
Summer league registration is open NOW! Rosters are due May 31st!

Summer leagues are starting in June! League start dates are listed on the sign-up.

Leagues with 8 or more teams will have a $500 Bonus Remote Dart Tournament at the end of the league.

League start times will be 7 p.m. except on Sundays which will start at 3:30 p.m.


**If there are not enough teams to fill out separate divisions, all teams will be combined into one division under a single cap**



The game is on! Keep track of how you’re stacking up against the competition. You can also follow us on Facebook to keep up-to-date with the latest stats and standings, and be a part of the party!


Steps to set up remote league play match

  1. Select league mode option
  2. Select play remote league
  3. Select your league
  4. Choose local team (This will be your team)
  5. Select home or away (check the printed schedule)
  6. Choose remote team (This will be the opposing team you are playing against)
  7. After dart boards connect check your team and players. Check the players listed on your team (choose or add substitute players). Handicap can be adjusted at the start of the first 01 game and the first cricket game only but should not be necessary; if your team needs to adjust handicaps please contact Angel to receive correct handicaps
  8. Start match play
  9. Start game
  10. If remote connection drops please wait for it to restore
  11. If the connection does not reconnect after it goes down The dart board will return to league mode; once it returns repeat steps 2 through 6
  12. Select YES resume remote match
  13. Resume play once dart boards reconnect


If both teams are playing in the same location

  1. Select play league mode
  2. Select your league
  3. Select your team as home
  4. Check the players listed on your team (choose or add substitute players and check handicap) Handicap can be adjusted at the start of the first 01 game and the first cricket game only but should not be necessary; if your team needs to adjust handicaps please contact Angel to receive correct handicaps
  5. Opponent needs to select their team as away
  6. Check the players listed on your team (choose or add substitute players and check handicap) Handicap can be adjusted but should not be necessary; if your team needs to adjust handicaps please contact Angel to receive correct handicaps
  7. Start match play
  8. Start game

*** If your team needs to adjust a player’s handicap; you must tap the bullseye. You will have the option of either adjusting O1 or cricket; choose which one needs to be adjusted. The adjustment is the same as if you were playing on a Galaxy II dart board ***


If you already have a team, simply fill out form below, and we’ll make sure that you are registered to play.

If you’d like to join a league and need to be matched with other players, contact us. We’d be glad to match you up with a league in your area.